Saturday, August 22, 2009

A little late coming

This is a little late coming...but thanks to Thomas and Carl for a great row Thurs. morning. With an hour before we had to be back in we launched and made our way, on as close to still water as you can get in the ocean, around Tinkers. Thomas set out in the Dolphin, Carlton in one of the new Stars and I in the Ace.

It took a little while for my body to get my bearings in the Ace. Because she's so narrow and long she's far more sensitive to subtle shifts in body movement. The technical effort brought me back to my river roots and I found my internal checklist running: knees together, light catch, sit centered, even pressure on my feet, accelerate my blade, strong & even finishes, elbows up...and it goes on and on. Believe me when I say the list is endless.

I've also often wondered how choppy it can get before you'll end up upside down in the Ace. I realized, though, that I was more likely to end up underwater from being tired and thinking too much than from lots of chop. Ask me if I feel the same way when I go out in rougher water. ;-)

At the end of it all, though, rowing the Ace is really fun and boy, does it feel good to be fast.