Wednesday, June 13, 2012


From Henry Livingston
Sounds like a pretty amazing trip
From Miami to New York City.  this guy arrived at the Intrepid after a 100-day row from miami

The learning curve was still pretty steep. He had some terrible headwinds the first week but toughed those out in admirable fashion, he showed he had some good common sense by making a couple of very good judgement calls early (one involving a tanker, one involving an open-water crossing), he NEVER went out to sea to avoid the alligators (Huffington Post claim, I suspect he was joking but they made it sound like it was actually part of his trip planning - in reality the entire trip was within the relative shelter of the Intracoastal Waterway and I'd bet that had been his plan all along) and all in all it sounds like his first rowing trip ended up being a good one. It never sounded like it quite got easy, but he seemed to have a good time meeting people and seeing the East Coast, and he's raised quite a bit of money for Alzheimer's research in the process.

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