Sunday, January 6, 2013


Whether you’re ERGing mega meters or staring out the window waiting for spring we have turned the corner and days are getting longer. 
Probably a tad early to say “spring is around the corner” but a walk by Little harbor yesterday had me thinking, “Hmm, this could be a rowing day!”
I trust you all have seen the email sent 12/21 from Sheila/Stan with invoices and paperwork for 2013 membership renewal. 
Please send your dues payment to Jean before the Jan 15 due date so that we will know our member renewal status and can begin enrolling Newbies. 
We have a number of folks wanting to join. 
We have firmed up plans for an assistant rowing coach, Zoe Zimmerman, to provide Newbie orientation and instruction next season. A Cornell rower she is very excited to be part of the Rock & Row crew. 
If you look out my kitchen window you’ll see a Maas Aero nicely covered resting on stands. She is our newest club boat recently delivered from Florida where Chris L found her. 
Now shopping for additional shells and oars to upgrade our club inventory for next season. 
Sure am looking forward to the beginning of our rowing season, 
hope you all enjoyed the holidays, 

El Presidente

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