Dear Canottieri a Testa di Marmo
I am just back from the Vogalonga
which is a unique rowing experience on open water: 30 kilometers around the
Lagoon of Venice along with an incredible number of other rowers from around
the world. There is a nice video on the website of With a lot of wind, my
Mbhd acquired skills were put to good use. I was proudly wearing the RnR
club hat when we were passing under the Rialto bridge.
Best regards
Thomas, Berlin (ex American sector)
Great video, Thomas -- it looked absolutely chaotic!!
Hope you are doing well
Pal (from the early morning group)
Hope you are doing well
Pal (from the early morning group)
There were indeed
some chaotic moments, the thing is that systemic chaos if
properly implemented actually produces good results in that part
of the world. We had a few gentle collisions which are kind of inevitable with
the many bottlenecks on the tour especially on Canale Grande !
Best regards-Thomas
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looks awesome! It’s on my bucket list – and I’ve never had
a bucket list before this moment! Thomas, were you in a single?
Quad? Thanks, - Frank
Andiamo, Tutti!!! Next
D'accordo! Andiamo!-Gail Doyle
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