Monday, May 31, 2010

Rumor has it....

...that RocknRow is hosting the 4th annual Community Rowing Day on June 12th! Insiders tell me that our favorite New England boat makers will be there, that grills will be cooking up a storm, and that Paulie will be dressed up as Cecilia.
It must be true... I've seen the signs all over town.

Please help this man improve his rowing skills

Having found The Zone, The Viking finds himself desperately craving speed. Please post your helpful rowing tips to improve this man's stroke.

Pirates of the Charles - photo edition

Seth Pappas-Rower Extraordinaire

Congratulations goes our to our "sophmore rower" Seth Pappas who after doing his first Sunday Row yesterdaty (an honest 5 miles around Tinkers), decides to join up again with the motley crew of pirates (Jon the Viking, Stephannie and yours truly) this morning to continue the torture with a quick trip around the "Miseries" (Now he knows how the two islands got their name). Looking at his hands this morning before the row, I'm amazed of his ability to push thru. Open sores and blisters started the row. I hate to see what they look like now. Well Seth, you did mention you were interested in doing the Blackburn this year. Imagine doing that 1 and half more times and I think that's equals to the BB course. The row out to Misery and back is kind of RnR's unofficial "Rights of Passage". Congratulations Seth on a job well done!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pirates of the Charles

RocknRow descended on the Charles River in full regalia this morning. The adventure began at the boathouse at 6:30 (7 am for Hancke) where we met to rig up Bertha. Paul led the charge with his trademark cool confidence, deftly loading,tying, and balancing the trailer with the air of a practiced CDL certified driver. The excitement built as the Boston skyline came into view from the Tobin bridge, and in no time we pulled into the Community Rowing parking lot, where their slick, modern suite of buildings redefined our notion of "boathouse."
The gang of pirates included John Hancke, proudly rowing his new carbon Alden Star, Eileen Perry and Charlie Harak in new club Aldens,and Team Maas in their 24s.
The current took us swiftly down river all the way to the Longfellow bridge, with just one pitstop to fine tune gear/ogle at the alumni at the Harvard boathouse. The row home presented more of a challenge, as the pirate gang ran out of juice fighting the headwind and current up the river, but in due time we landed back at the Community Rowing dock, where Eileen kissed the weathered floorboards and Hancke boldly proclaimed that it was his "best row ever."
The gang refueled at Victors with omelets and blueberry pancakes, then piled back into Paul's rig for the trek home.
Check back later for photos, and don't miss our next RocknRow adventure!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday 'round Eagle & Over Easy - Pix

Sunday morning row fun with a special bagel, cream cheese and OJ-vodka finish.

A special welcome goes to our youngest club member Seth Berman, pictured (left) with his friend Wayne Schweitzer (right) in front of our fleet on racks. Seth is patiently awaiting our Newbie Row on Saturday, May 5/29 from 10-11:30am.

Sunday 'round Eagle & Over Easy

Ok, this isn't a picture from today (May 23), but it does let you know who's blogging. Thomas should have some good photos of today's team out by Eagle Rock that he can post. (Although,Thomas, I still can't get this picture to appear on the home page of the blog, even though it's in my profile).

The first official Sunday row was blessed with high tide just before we left the dock, no rocks to avoid as we passed Brown's Island, and skies that became clearer and warmer as we rowed, despite Saturday's forecast for rain. Six hardy pirates rounded out our crew: Cap'n Jack Sparrow, our own Elizabeth Swann (a.k.a Stephannie Brocum), Paulie the Brave, Thomas the Speedy, Nejem, and myself.

There was a gentle breeze from the ENE, so we headed into the wind in order to have an easier row back. First, around the back of M-head Rock and Children's Island, and then a nice run to the northern point of Eagle Rock, with a very flat and easy row back. According to my quaint chart and ruler calculations, 5 3/4 miles --- I didn't bother to bring the Garmin, and maybe it wasn't really that far. Libations were had by all back at the dock -- bagels, cream cheese, O.J. and vodka (we did have to celebrate that first row!) I'm still looking for volunteers for future Sunday libations.

Jack promises that the two Alden Stars will be there by next Sunday which will bring us up to seven club boats that can be reserved...and we are hoping for a larger crew of hardy pirates to storm the seas! If have any questions about signing up for a boat, drop me ( or, better, yet, Jack ( an e-mail.

For those who want your Sunday row "over easy," I'm happy to help organize a 10 AM row that will be 2 miles or less, and can include practice inside Brown's on flat water...although next Sunday LOW tide is around 7:30 AM, there may just be enough water by 10 for inside rowing practice.

If anyone wants to row Wed. a.m. or p.m., or Friday a.m., let me know. I'm looking for maybe a 5 mile row.


Friday, May 21, 2010


If you checked this weeks Marblehead Reporter Sports Section you'll fine a great group photo and article on this years Blessing of the Fleet. (OUR YOU CAN CLICK ON THE TITLE AND SEE IT FOR YOURSELF ON THEIR WEB SITE)
Way to go Rockers.......

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Vote for your favorite pic from last week's Blessing of the Fleet....
Is it Jack cuddling up to Em?
Jay swiping Art's pirate hat?
Or my personal favorite:
Sheila and Stan in their matching "Row Hard Rock Harder shirts.
Do they "get it" or what?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blessing of the Fleet

With the help of Mother Nature we were blessed with blue skies and plenty of sunshine to celebrate a wonderful opening of our RocknRow season 2010. Many thanks go out to our High Priestess Kathie Mazonson who offered a wonderful spiritual ceremony blessing our fleet, the RnR members and their family members, and our oceans.
A special welcome goes out to our newbies Loretta Attardo, Vivien Cherry, Nejem Raheem, Georgiana Ryan-Rao, David Greten and Seth Berman.

Congratulations to Stephanie Brocoum and her newly blessed Maas 24 (Stephanie please add name here: ).

PS: Click on any photo to enjoy a larger view.