Monday, January 18, 2010


What happened?

I help putting the boats away, and then all of a sudden I am dropped from all e-mail lists! Nobody calls, nobody cares, except of course the Captain who calls telling me people are communicating with each other like crazy. The only other person that has given me a thought was Emily, thinking that I might have been stranded on an iceberg. But does she initiate a search party? Oh no, that’s too much to ask. Being afraid I am going to beat her in the next Burn, she is probably hoping I am floating away for good.

I hate Santa:

That guy sucks. He visits me once a year for a short while. During his stay he leaves me with his stomach and one hell of a bill to pay. Then he just takes off to some of the islands down south, looking slim, walking the beaches trying to impress the females.

It’s all Paulie’s Fault!:

He was in charge of the off season activities. I was looking to do some real male things such as racing a Corvette around a track somewhere in the US, special interest clubs and so on. In stead I am reading blogs about some health nuts figuring out how to stay fit in the winter time. That’s kind of bass ackwards! Now I have to get in shape before am am getting in shape??!! I thought I joined a rowing club where we would get fit rowing in the summer, so that I could do what the bears do during the winter!

OK, I am doing a little:

I must admit I have been doing some stuff after the end of the rowing season. I have kept it quiet, hoping I would be the only one fit when the starting gun went off. Plus, I need to work on the gift Santa left behind, remember the tummy issue. My wife decided to help me as well. She gave me a death certificate to this yoga place in Swampscott where they have a problem with the thermostat. Unfortunately, this kind of exercise does not count. What about snowboarding? Badminton? (Don’t dare laugh of the latter or better yet you laugh you show up to one of the days I play!)

Anyway, even though the only thing I wanted was to quit smoking and stay quit, I will submit my weekly miles and hopefully between hot yoga and using the rowing machine my stomach will melt away before the Speedo season begins.


  1. Well well, the "Viking" finally comes out of hibernation. Seems as though there was a e-mail address snaffoo that left him behind in the last e-mail craze (The Capt' takes full responsibility for the error). Welcome back to the fold.
    Hey Emily,Does badminton count?

  2. Oy! Badminton- don't people play that at picnics?

  3. Emily Says: Oy! Badminton- don't people play that at picnics?

    Not like this they don't.

    O.K., so that example is a bit above our caloric burn rate, but I would argue that based on this, Art's chart doesn't do the sport justice.
