Thursday, April 21, 2011

2011 Adventure Row

Hi all,

Planning for Adventure Row II is underway!

We’re heading to Maine to row Mt. Desert, near Acadia National Park, Northeast Harbor, Somes Sound, the Cranberry Islands, possibly a stop at the Wooden Boat School in Brooklyn.

This is quintessential Maine, tall trees, rugged coastlines, remarkably beautiful. We’ll row all day and party all night (at least until 9pm).

Our current thinking is to change up the program and stay at one place, it’ll be more fun for the non-rowing members of the group, less loading and unloading bertha.

Tentative dates are SUN JUL 31 TO SAT AUG 6.

We are limiting the fleet to 12 boats. With spouses and assorted hangers on we could be a group of 20. We expect the fleet will fill fast, all of the Adventure I group will be back for sure!

So.......if you are interested in Adventure Row 2011, Rock n Row’s signature metaphysical experience, let us know asap.......

In the next week we will have more details on lodging and expected costs etc. Any questions call Terrie 781 856 4156 OR MYSELF 978 314 1301.

The Maine coast in a rowing is really really good!

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