Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sunday Morning Row - June 7

My last Sunday morning row consisted of 3 parts.
Part 1. 7am training / 40 minutes warm-up session with Paul M. rowing past Coney Island Rock before returning to the clubhouse for the 8am row. Maryellen S. joined us briefly and continued her own long distance training towards Baker's Island (and most likely even further).

Part 2. Sunday morning row with familiar faces Paul M., Jean V., her husband and Newbie Chuck, Stephanie B., Jon H., Terrie L., and visitor / guest rower Al Grandmaison (age 89) from Florida. Many of you might have met Al already during the Saturday Learn to Row event. Paul, Al, Jean and Chuck rowed as one group. Stephanie, Jon and I formed a second group heading out towards Beverly lighhouse past Coney Island Rock. I was lucky to test Paul's very fast Maas 24. The wind picked up on on the Beverly / Salem side of the harbor and we were able to experience some nice chops. The Maas 24 has proven to be an excellent boat in calm and rough water.

Part 3. Newbie row at 11am with my younger daughter Alexandra in the Alden "Double Trouble" and my wife Ilene, who had her first single experience in an Echo (Thank you Jean for letting her test drive yours) around Brown Island. Ilene enjoyed the beautiful scenery, did well and liked it so much that she plans to return to the waters of Little Harbor and Brown Island. Alexandra got her first session and is looking forward to the next one.

Additionally, Terrie and Jean spent some time with a new club member (I believe it was Seth).

Looking forwrad to our next Sunday morning row.

Here are a few visual impressions illustrating the wonderful rowing experiences.

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