Tuesday, April 28, 2009


If you are reading this, then welcome to RnR's attempt to find yet another way to communicate better w/ it's members.
We are hoping that by all of us joining this Blog it will be the catalyst for us to share the stories of our rowing adventures, invite eachother to days out on the water, and allow us to maintain contact outside the mainstream of our business relationships.

So jump right in and if you have not done so already, set up your profile and blog away.
We are looking forward to hearing from each and everyone of you, while sharing vicariously in the adventures of this rowing season.

Blessings- Capt. Jack Sparrow

1 comment:

  1. In October, when we are having our last, year-end Pirate's punch (herein named Jack's Leaky Boot Rowing Nectar) after a hearty row to Misery Island, I know we will say that 2009 was an extraordinary R & R year. Lots of great pulls, laughs, friendships and personal victories coming.
