Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reply From Dana Young (Health Coach)

Dear All:

I'm sad to report that it was not much of a rowing summer for me. With school (most every other weekend), being a single mom, the weather and for whatever other reasons it just was not something I got out there to do. That being said, I absolutely love it and missed it and hope to get back out there next year. The few times I did it felt amazing and surprisingly could keep up with some of the regulars. I contribute this to the fact that staying in shape and trying to eat right makes all the difference.

Jay you sound like you have quite alot of training and help in all these matters and that is awesome. Charlie, there is so much you could do that can be simple. Scott, I wish I could be in Florida for the winter rowing. Does this mean you are going to kick my butt in the Great Race next year? :)!

I am a certified health counselor and for the most part talk with people about what they eat, why they eat what they are eating and of course help them to get stronger, healthier, etc...I do workout most days and always have so I do work with them on that aspect as well. I love working with my clients and seeing the results and positive changes they are making.
Lets start at the beginning however and for those of you who aren't finding yourselves doing anything on the workout front then simply trying to get in atleast 20 minutes a day of cardio (OK lets aim for 5 days a week) would be great. I don't care what it is but don't let yourself go this winter. Start thinking about it now and get in the best rowing shape you can. Cross training in so important. Don't just pick one machine that makes you happy. You will get bored. Running/walking on a treadmill, Elliptical machine, rowers, jumproping are all great options. Mix up steady workouts with interval. Even try one called tabata ( Great option for the rower in your gym or the method can be used with other equipment as well. Its a great four minute workout to incorporate into your other workouts as well. Find a studio that has TRX classes. Such fun and a great workout. Pick up kettle bells if your gym has them. Better yet guys I'm going to be teaching a new class to this area called intenSati. A cardio class with the mindfulness of yoga. Such a blast to teach and take and I would love to even have a special Rock n Row night if you guys are up for it. Its all about your intentions. Check it out at Don't forget about weights. So important!! Atleast twice a week. Find a trainer, a friend, hey even a health counselor that can help you with some new ideas. Studies have shown that people who create life changes together experience more success than those who attempt to change alone.

As for the nutrition piece that too is so important. Go organic as much as possible. Overcrowd your plates with leafy greens. Introduce yourself to the many whole grains out there. Don't forget I'm here if you want some tips. Spend an hour with me touring whole foods and coming up with some new ideas over the winter. Stay away from processed foods, sugars, etc... Drink plenty of water. I'm sure you've heard by now but try the Shake and Cleanse system that I have been working with for over a year now. I have had huge success with so many clients, feeling more energy, losing weight, less stressed. I even got our "Captain" to try some of the products and I believe he felt good on them. Now if I could just get him to stay on the program with me. For more information on them go to I would be happy to talk further with you about them as well. I'll tell you, amazing!!!

This is a crazy time of year. Don't wait til New Years to figure it all out and make that resolution. Start now taking care of yourself, exercising, maybe losing some weight and feeling great. Keep sharing your emails and tips with each other. I think its great and very motivating.

Its a NEW DAY everyone. Amaze Yourself.Dana

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You've got a really good blog. Most of the people tend not to realize what mind power can do to one's accomplishment.
