Monday, June 20, 2011


La luna = the moon. Lunatics = 5 RnR-ers heading out under last Wednesday's full moon. Sarah, Pal, Paul, Stephanie and I departed the dock around 7:30, with the sun disappearing into a low cloud bank in the western sky. A cool and beautifully calm night, the rowing near effortless. Out by Eagle Island, we all started looking for the rising moon....and there it was! A burnt orange orb, rising over Halfway Rock. Our hearts raced at the sight of it!

Sarah and Pal decided to head back to shore; Paul, Steph and I couldn't resist the siren call of our nearest planetary neighbor. Just off the southern flank of Children's, the moon filled the gap between the larger island and Cormorant Rock, like an egg nestled in an egg cup. The simple wooden structures on Children's low cliffs were spectral in the still-dim moonlight, and the clanging of the flashing red buoy 2/3 of a mile further south provided musical accompaniment. As we rowed towards the buoy, the swells grew larger; we sang and talked and laughed as the ocean gently rocked us.

It was a magical night, one that we RnR-ers should repeat. No need to wait for a full moon! A waxing 3/4 or fuller moon rises earlier in the day and still would provided plenty of light.

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