Monday, August 22, 2011

The Double Dipper

For those of you who haven't enjoyed our Mass Double, here is encouragement. It is a fast boat and in reasonable conditions serves as its own kind of teaching tool to measure things like length, the way in which you put power on the blade, the elegance of your finish and ratio (that pesky difference between the time it takes to get out over your knees and then down the slide that creates rythm and glide). I've had the pleasure of rowing with Em, Dave, Jim, Paul, Thomas, Carmi and Seth in Double Dip. Each row revealed good things to me about our strengths and weaknesses togther and part, but all have helped me to row better. It has also been a reminder that rowing perfection can come in unlikely ways at unlikley moments. For example, Paulie and I were out in bad water and yet we found a rythm that got us through it at more speed than made sense. Seth and I were in smooth water and his great sense of rythm (hey, how many times do you get to row with a nationally renowned drummer?) helped create as beautiful a glide as a rower could want. Dave and I have been able to pull really hard together for long stretches without it feeling like it was toil, and I could go on and on. Can't explain these things but if variety is indeed a spice of life, then add the double experience to your rowing gastronmy.

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