Saturday, May 9, 2009

exhilarating maiden voyage

A boatload of thanks to Tom for escorting me out on my first row in (gasp) over a dozen years! The voyage started out with a bit of drama as my dog Beaulieu jumped into the drink in an effort to rescue me and I drifted helplessly away, unable to figure out front from back or left from right. Thankfully Paul & John lured Beaulieu back to safety and hauled him onto the dock, and I quickly regained some degree of coordination. Once my hands realized they were gripping oars and my feet discovered they were strapped into a boat, my physical memory kicked in and I was off and gliding. What a sensation! There’s really nothing like it – self-powered speed on top of the water. Now I’ve got the bug – can’t wait to get out there again.

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