Monday, August 3, 2009


The Great Race on Saturday was a blast for me, or should I say GREAT! Not because of the race itself but to be able to be back on the water with my Rock n Row friends. So much has kept me away from it all this summer, weather, school, kids, etc...but as I rowed the from Browns Island to Riverhead I realized that I cannot let things get in the way of what makes me so happy and is such a short season. I try to explain to friends that while it can be hard it is so peaceful for me at the same time to be out on the open waters in my orange Echo (or whatever color I decide to reserve for that day). I was clearly focused on getting from Devereaux to Children's Island but at the same time couldn't help but think how much I had let everything else in my life take over from what makes me so happy. Try to remember all of you fellow rocknrowers that we only have a few more months to row. You all have permission to give me a hard time if you don't see me making reservations. I am off for business this coming weekend but next week I'm getting out there for sure! Again, it was GREAT!
P.S. Thanks to Scott for the heads up on the wave that almost had my boat on top of me at Devereaux. Just a little bump on my shin but I survived.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dana for joinng us on the water last weekend. (We thought you forgotten where to find us). Congrats also on bing the fastest "non-competive" rower. I have a plaque for you and some "script" you can spend in the local Marbie stores.
    Lets go rowin'again.......
