Thursday, August 20, 2009

Negative low tide makes for a steep climb

Even though the Alden Star only weighs in at about 40 Lbs, it sure was heavy to haul up from the float today due to the negative 1.27 low tide. Tomorrow the tide will be even lower at around 6 PM, but hopefully I will not be by myself.

The row was a daredevil kind of row. I went around Children’s Island clockwise!!! I believe it’s the first time this has ever been attempted. I felt I was in the Bermuda Triangle, waiting for something really bad to happen, but nothing did. It was almost flat coming out of the Club House Cove. When I rounded Children’s the wrong way, I got a welcoming breeze that cooled me down to a comfortable level. Chop increased to 6 inches and stayed that way until I rounded Marblehead Rock. A nice finish across the mouth of Marblehead Harbor finding my way around the Etchels going out for an evening race.

At the end I logged 4.5 miles within 52 minutes at an average heart rate of 148. I just love that Garmin. It’s a beautiful thing.

Happy rowing into the Zone and beyond.


1 comment:

  1. Last time someone attempted Cat Island clockwise, it was the Leakes. Their attempt almost ended in calamity when they met Scott O, Art, and I rowing around the corner in the opposite direction.
