Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thomas Vogel Suffering From Sever Depression

It’s clear that nothing excites Thomas anymore. His heart beat is apparently 109 regardless what he does. He used to love sculling, but these days even this bores him to tears, which is obvious since he only reaches a heart beat of 109.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but my heart beat is at 150 just looking out over the water, or watching the sun set. And it’s not that I am out of shape since my resting heart beat is under 60. Just ask my wife. She knows. Every time she talks to me my heart beat just drops to way under 60. (She complains that me eyes glass over as well).

I can understand Thomas’ problem though. You see, he is a multi millionaire. Just study his picture from Europe. He has his own private sculling club, and he is all by himself. He has his own private river to go sculling in, and he is all by himself (except for his bodyguard). And he has his own mountain range and he is all by himself. You see, Sir Thomas does not have a lot of friends and therefore his depression. At the Blackburn race, he was all exited and his heart was pumping at 160. He thought that the 250 people there showed up just for him. Just don’t tell him it wasn’t so We can therefore conclude that with the right atmosphere and surroundings, Sir Thomas might snap out of his depression.

The question is: What will get him exited? Maybe Sir Thomas should join his other depressed country men (the club of One Zero Niner), that is trying their hardest to snap out of their dull state of mind. So Sir Thomas, if that’s what it takes, I will build you one! Click on the link below.


  1. Yee-haa -- looks like he had as much fun as surfing the swells on a fine rowing day off Long Point or Children's Island!

  2. The heart rate of the northern elephant seal at sea is 107 +/-3 beats per minute. Perhaps it is just a coincidence. [ Ref: ]
