Sunday, June 14, 2009

OH the JOY of rowing & training for the Blackburn

After a crummy weather week and a couple of slogging rows on choppy days in Salem Harbor last week -- I enjoyed an absolutely beautiful 2+ hours Saturday morning. I rowed from Little Harbor Beach around Marblehead Neck, past Devereaux Beach and along the coast to Swampscott and back to achieved this weeks goal of a 10 mile row. Yes -- I love everything about this sport!

5 weeks left before the Blackburn Challenge. Completing the Blackburn's 20+ mile course is a great goal supporting my improved health, fitness and well-being.

I do groove on the solitude, peace and joy of solo rowing. And, I'm bummed to be missing the our RockNRow club rows these 3 weeks with end of year church commitments and the wedding of my niece next weekend in Vermont.

Group rowing and solo rowing -- I am thrilled to be on the salt water ... rowing.


  1. What's next/ You should do at least 2 15 mile row before the BB (3 hours in the boat) and make sure you also rest the week before the event

  2. So with 4 weeks to rest week -- would you suggest two 10 milers the next couple of weeks; then two 15 milers the following two -- with 5-6 milers thrown into the weekly mix? I'm rowing at least 3 days per week.

    I'll be on Star Island for a meditation retreat July 11-16 -- so taking the week off before BB will be easy peasey (as my kids say)

  3. Yup
    Sounds just about right
    Make sure you don't do 2-15 milers in the same week.
    Ask we get closer to the race, we'll talk about fluids and food
