Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Sitting here at Logan gate 29 waiting to board my flight to Chicago. Quick trip returning Wednesday late. Blue skies have once appeared outside the window and I've got Blackburn on my mind. How many weeks, days, hours left to train....not many. (and I thought I was under prepared last year). Trying to watch what I eat for these next few weeks. Every pound lighter is less I'll have to "pull' around with me during those 20 miles. I registered today, men's touring single. In deference to both Stephanie and Carmi, I don't think I'm quite cut out to do a double. Perhaps at least not yet. Paulie and I are bonding around our fund raising efforts. You see it's not all about the row. We have chosen the Salem Mission a local organization who's mission is to help support the community homeless through longterm housing, education and training. A very ambitious but impressive model the showed me. I wish I was rowing. Need to row soon. Haven't even got a 10 miler in this season. Plan to start as soon as I return. 3-4 times a week is a must for the next 5 weeks. Do I have that long? I really haven't done the math, not that it matters. Give me time on the water. RnR has accomplished a lot so early in the season. " Blessing of the Fleet", Beach Clean-up and a an extremely successful Community Row Day. That was all about the club and now it's time to narrow the focus, to think about me and the Blackburn Challenge that awaits me and others who are training for this event. I've definitely got Blackburn on my mind


  1. Your RNR Health Coach is happy to help! Have you even tried the shakes yet? It could be so simple Captain Jack. As for getting out and rowing. I totally get it. Only three weekends left of school although that takes me to the end of July. I've only rowed once! Ahhhh! Life just gets in the way doesn't it? You'll get there. You are an amazing Captain!

  2. You've got the time and the talent mate with 4 full weeks left to the B.C.

    Do you have any interest in rowing the B.C. course in 2 legs with any other newbies to the Blackburn?
    Any day except June 18-21, July 1 & 3 works for me. I'd sure like to know the course before the big day.

    Safe travels,

