Sunday, June 28, 2009

Good Echo and Alden Double Weather - Sunday Row, Part 1

After returning the club Alden Stars due to too much water intake, Stephanie and Emily found the perfect boat to face what nature had to offer this morning - the Alden Double.

After their boat change, the three of us headed out again and went straight towards Beverly Lighthouse. It was amazing to see how fast the two IronWomen powered the Double through the waves and winds. I had to work hard to keep up their pace and the 2.6 miles over to Beverly Lighthouse turned into a training row (heart rate within 70-80% of max). Arriving on the Beverly coast, it felt like crossing a finish line. After our "training race" I could only think what a great club team Stephanie and Emily would make if they rowed the Blackburn in the recreational double category.

After a short break we continued along the Beverly coast towards Misery. As we passed Black Rock we noticed some fog building up in the distance and decided to turn back home. Rowing with the wind and waves turned the rest of our morning row into a mix of speed rowing and surfing. It seemed that an Alden Double powered by two IronWomen could take on any weather/wind condition. It was a great Sunday morning row.

Sunday Morning Row pictures show the boat launch, Echo fleet, participants, Alden Double in action and the clean up afterward.


  1. Thomas
    Thanks as always for the incredible pictures taken for the club

  2. Thank's for posting the pictures of me :)
