Monday, June 15, 2009

Sunday Morning Row - June 14

Rowing in the rain - what a beautiful thing on a Sunday morning.

Equipped with the willingness to row rain or shine, Captain Jack, Carlton S., Stephanie B., Thomas V. and newest member Emily Greten arrived at the boathouse around 7:30am to be on the water by 8am. Emily and Carlton opted for the Echos, Thomas for an Alden Star, and Stephanie and Jack for a mixed double in the Alden "Double Trouble". We headed towards Marblehead Rock when it started raining again. The fleet passed Children's Island on the back towards Eagle Island when Captain Jack, realizing that he needed to head back home in order to make his next appointment, asked Thomas to trade places with. After a brief stop in the cove of Children's Island, Jack (now in the Alden Star) and Carlton headed back home. Emily, Stephanie and her new Double partner Thomas decided to go for Misery Island. As soon as we passed Eagle Island the wind and swells picked up and challenged the Echo and the Double to stay their courses. After a brief recess in the cove of Misery Island we turned around and headed back home. Overall, a wonderful 9 mile Sunday Morning row with the insight that rowing in a Double can double the fun. Congratulations to Stephanie (for being a great partner in "Double Trouble") and Emily (on her first saltwater row). They are both IronWoman demonstrating great stamina fighting the elements.

1 comment:

  1. Felt great to be out there again. This was my first row of the year and first since a back injury that has kept me sidelined the last few weeks.

    I admit, as I lay in bed that morning listening to the rain, I was tempted to sleep late. In the end, I decided to head to the boathouse with a plan-B of working out at the Y if the row didn't materialize.

    We started out during a break in the drops which held for much of the row, but once under way it didn't really matter...I was content just to be back on the water.
