Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Game On

Congratulations to everyone who competed in the Blackburn- a feat of not only physical endurance, but mental as well. Way to bring it!

It's funny how missing one race, that you didn't think you'd miss at all, can bring your very tired inner competitor back to life. I haven't raced in two and a half years and didn't think I missed the sweat, blisters and the burn that creeps into your lungs, legs and every other muscle you didn't know you had. In fact, I missed it all- especially hitting the zone. That sweet spot between pain and grace when you've hit your rhythm. You hear nothing but your blades entering the water, your breathing, and your boat moving out from under you. The thrill of passing and overtaking your fellow competitors and the fortitude to catch those who've crept past you. The moment when you know they've brought they're game and you wonder for a moment, did I bring mine? And then you hit it harder.

This is why I say a huge thank you to all of you who made it through the Blackburn and lit my competitive fire. It is why I am so excited the Great Race is coming up- one more chance. I'm bringing my game. Are you bringing yours?


  1. Looks like The Great Race is gonna be a great race!!!!

  2. Here's hoping I can jump in your wake! Glad to have you back from vaca.
